I love this : “The best example of increasing return is information itself: good information always has increasing returns and infinite marginal returns. Information does not wear out or degrade when it is used; instead, it increases in reach, depth, and value” by @RichardKoch8020
“Information once sold can be resold indefinitely. If the number of users of information increase for ever, its cost decreases for ever”. (From the book “Beyond the 80/20 principle” by @RichardKoch8020
If it can’t scale, it probably is not worth doing.
Things that can scale, the more you do, the cheaper / faster / profitable it gets for you to get it done.
Anything that doesn’t fit the bill should be avoided as much as possible.
Reason from first principles tactically, wherever and whenever possible, so you can keep making unreasonable accomplishments strategically.
Food ventors peddling tasty drinks rich in sugar, are no different from financial companies peddling high yield investment products with stable payout. The presentation on the front end is always good, the potentially fatal hangover down the road is always deemphasized.
Companies are in business to give exactly what consumers want. Most people, in the bubble of their own wishful thinking, want the best of both worlds, and sadly, they will always end up getting things that promise the sky upfront but hurt them badly later on.
There is NO real connections among people unless they conclude a financial transaction w/ each other that provides mutual benefit. Trade is what is making the world a better place. Trading with strangers are more likely to bring benefit vs just dealing w/ acquaintances。
Any technology that dramatically improve the efficiency and security of trading among strangers, will be of great value.
Any system that imposes artificial barriers to free trade for the short term gain of a few, will become less efficient and competitive, and plants the seeds of its own future demise.
Underestimating the anti-fragility of America is a rookie mistake.
People often try to desperately pouring resources to solve a problem that has no solution without realizing it. A problem that has diminishing returns no matter what you do. Always better to pack up and get into an environment with increasing return.
Persistent wishful thinking, despite facts that contradict it, is one of the biggest enemy of man.
一年前一股阿里巴巴值 265美元,可以换 0.65 个 eth ; 一年后阿里巴巴一股值 160美元,可以换 0.05 个 eth. 认知决定选择,选择决定命运。
From Edward Sullivan on LinkedIn: 5 reasons why “letting it come to you” works in life and business.
1. Attraction is scalable. Promotion is linear.
2. Attractiveness is a state of being. Promotion is an endless process.
3. Attraction is patient. Promotion is desperate
4. Attraction sows unforeseen opportunities. Promotion harvests predetermined targets.
5. Attraction is enduring. Promotion is forgettable.
间接方式 (indirect approach) 的下限是枯燥乏味的等待,正面攻击的下限是鸡飞蛋打的崩溃。
Keep working on things that generate increasing return, eventually everything else will diminish in their significance.
Corollary: don’t waste time on problems with diminishing return, (so you have more time finding things with increasing return.)
Do not work or invest in an area until:
1. You have fast, accurate and diverse information sources that allow a high level of situation awareness.
2. You have a suite of toolkits to allow you to do test cheaply to validate/invalidate your hypothesis.
Materialistic acquisition that offers momentary pleasure but slowly drains your time and attention, is extremely counter productive. Relentlessly focusing on being more effective and efficient in your everyday life, the rest will take care of itself.
One way to evaluate the growth potential of organization/people, is to watch whether the number of organic connections w/ the outside world is growing fast, or stagnant. Free trade is sustainable organic connection. Be wary of fake connections that are bought and hemorrhaging $.
Inflation is largely dictated by the robustness and efficiency of the logistics network in a system, rather than how productive people are working at a local level. That’s why whoever controls the global trading routes has the lowest systematic inflation globally.
This can be self reinforcing, lower inflation results in higher efficiency and attracts more people/resources into your system, which creates even higher level of efficiency, on and on. This is a unique advantage enjoyed by America that is even not appreciated by many Americans.
Professionally, “ it’s who you know, not what you know” that is important; Similarly, “it’s who you can trade with, not what you can trade with” that is important.
任何低级错误,都可依靠提高复杂度,持续迭代来纠正 ;
I love infinite games. They foster cooperation in a community where win-win is the norm and not the exception.